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Propane stuff


Jesse Garman
I have some propane stuff if anyone is interested. Basically everything needed to install a propane system in your Morgan except the hose from the lazarette to the appliance. I have two 11 lb steel tanks, regulator, solenoid, pigtail hoses and a vented locker for all of it. I intended to install it in the lazarette but ultimately went a different route. A control panel(minus the sniffer) is also included. Again, my intention was to install this in the lazarette like others on this forum have done. I have several pics available for you to look at. If you are interested, please let me know. Evenings at (252)633-3941

Jesse Garman
I installed a Trident drop-in under the starboard helmsman seat. Big bucks but great access and the lazarette remains available for other stuff.
My oven was 30 years old and pressure alcohol so I scrapped the whole deal ! I have a 2 burner Seaward cook top Propane.
I went to Goodyear tire and rubber they are experts in rubber hose and qualified to make propane hoses. So the controls(Trident)sit to the right of the electrical outlet over the ice box counter .
the Bottle sits to port , on a base on my aft deck. With a white cover on it I have a spare on the Stb side.
Cut off switch relay and all.. safe has air and all my lockers are empty for all my crap !
Today I install the stopper on a dowel for that aft locker thanks for the tip ... Lee
My five cents,
How are you going to access starboard stern cleat? This cleat is only accessible through lazarette on my boat.
Hi Jesse,

I'd be interested in pictures and info on your work with the trident drop-in as well.

So if I show my great install, nobody will want my old stuff! Oh well. I will try and resize, so here are the install pics. It took a lot of cutting and moding of the tank but it will fit, just. I made a cutout template. Lid is omitted for clarity. Drain hose goes to lazarette
Took a weekend.
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Jesse: I for one am impressed. You install these tubs in a weekend? It takes me a weekend just to think about a project like this. I do not have the 383 extra helm seat contours. I have a 382, so I fear this will not work for my flat aft seat. What is the port or round access hatch on the starboard side for? I just put one of those in to help me install secondary winch.
It is a speaker that I mounted in a deck access port so that I can close it off when needed. BTW mine is a 382. I purchased the curved seat as an aftermarket item from a gentleman in Michigan I think.
Good idea to mount the speakers with a cover.
I have thought about mounting a propane locker like you. Good to see that it works. We have a 382. Is there enough space under your installed locker that it could be recessed in the original flat seat? We don't have the curved seat covers and I'd rather have the locker lid flush with the seat top.
I would like to use a 10 lb fiberglass tank. Do you know it it would fit your locker?
Where does your drain/vent line exit the boat?
See, now nobody will buy my other propane stuff, I knew it!

Anyway, the fiberglass tank does fit, at least the one that I have (Lite Cylinder). There is about 2 inches of space under the locker. I can measure more closely if you need me to. Making it look right will take some more effort than my install. I knew that I would be covering it with the seat lid, but I think that it can be done. I ran the vent hose to a barbed plastic through hull into the lazarette just above the drain hole.