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Wheel/rudder tensioner knob on wheel pedistal


Tom Prior
I am a new owner of the M384

Should the wheel/rudder be locked/tensioned at dock or should it move freely?

No boat I've ever owned, even a new one once, had a wheel stop that worked, so I say, no worries, I say, let it float. I have set it to dead ahead but I don't think this is required either.
I recently replaced the brake pads on my wheel lock. It works, now. With that said, I don't engage it when I leave the the boat. Instead, I lash the wheel. Same result, but I'm not wearing out my new brake pads. I believe you should lash the wheel or tiller when the boat is unattended. It prevents the rudder from being slammed against the stops from wave or wake action.
Rolf , Take that thing apart and get a set of brake pads from Edson they have how to fix you tube how to .
Out with the compass and the with spacer ring too.
I have done my 384 it can be done. yes it will try your patience !! All the best
get new brake pads !!!
Thanks Lee, I will check out the uTube. I just got back on my boat tonight and have new standing rigging and a whisker pole track, among other things, so tomorrow we are moving it back up the lake, maybe I"ll have a chance to check out the pole, too!!