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Salon table


New Member
Fortissimo came without a salon table. I’m trying to see if anyone has come up with a creative idea for replacing the table… or where I could find one.
We’ve thought about making a table and putting on a pedestal. Open to suggestions!
Hey Ron, welcome aboard. I have struggled with the table and have considered removing it since I bought the boat in '21. The table in Buteo has 2 wings. One useful and swings up to port and provides a not entirely uncomfortable eating position for 3. The person sitting on the aft L section of the bench has a larger than is comfortable gap and cannot sit with their back on the galley-side back rest.

With the starboard side wing up, it blocks the entire passage forward. And it adds only 2 seats at the table. Need the head and both seats must be cleared and you have to slide seated along the stbd bench to get past the table to get forward. Not ideal, so I never use the starboard wing of the table. I have never had a large formal meal in the cabin either. Perhaps that is about me and you would do this differently!

There is useful storage in the main section of the table. I put potent potables in there and paper charts. I rarely use paper charts anymore. I used to prick the chart on every long voyage just in case... but never needed it and in the past few years I have been painfully local in my sailing so I have not pulled them out. Good storage never the less.

Stowing the port wing of the table has to happen to set up the galley berth. Consequently, I don't do this often. The galley berth on my boat uses the removable padded back from the galley sink. The table is sturdy and useful for keeping you and perhaps your berth-mate in place, or at least off the deck. However, the bench-back insert is a bit flexible for my 200lbs and if you don't hold your mouth just right while sleeping on that half of the berth it will drop you. If using while underway, I put a 6gal bucket underneath it to protect the user. Since it is technically a double berth, and if your berth-mate is like minded, a concentration of weight on one side could yield a humorous disaster in that berth! I assume all Morgans are similar in this, and others have solved this in various ways.

Consequently, I am not a fan of my galley table as it is built in to my '79 382. I am not imaginative enough to come up with something better. I do have a friend with a similar sized/designed boat that had a shelf on the (head) wall forward of the dining nook. The shelf could be dropped down to provide an eating or perhaps a serving surface. I liked the room this gives to nook area and since his shelf unit was stuffed with his very expensive liquor I was pretty enthusiastic about his design choices. Sadly he and is very lovely wife have left the floating world (they were utube vlogers) to raise children and return to a more conventional life.

I would love to hear others solutions to these issues, and will dig around on this forum to see if it is already posted somewhere!
I cut the starboard leaf down by about 8 inches. It provides enough room to comfortably walk by, but people seated would still need to move.

Your seat-back/berth piece might be a tad too short, perhaps the plywood was replaced or recut during a recover, or maybe it was just that way from the factory. I am over 200lbs, and mine is solid. You could probably replace the plywood back with a thicker piece the right length and fix that issue.

There was an owner, Jeff Lovett, that sold his boat after spending a lot of time working on it. He had a really nice custom table that folded down from the bulkhead, and held dishes and cutlery. I always really like how it looked and seemed very functional and freed up a lot of space when stowed., although I have a TV mounted on that bulkhead.
That is just the sort of table and shelf storage unit that my friends had! Wow, Jeff Lovett did some very, very nice work on that set up! I am impressed and envious :D I will try your solution and see how that suits me.