• Welcome to this website/forum for people interested in the Morgan 38 Sailboat. Many of our members are 'owners' of Morgan 38s, but you don't need to be an owner to Register/Join.

Morgan boats for sale section...


I suggested a “Boats for Sale” section at the top of the main navigation.
Home - Forums - Boats for Sale - Media - Members

Almost all boat forums have a similar section to help owners and prospective buyers.
Mark will be adding this soon.
John, I’ve added that section now. If you click on Forums you’ll see one called ‘Boats & Equipment for Sale’.

I can’t structure the menu as you suggested because the menu would be scrambled on mobile devices.

And I hope someone buys my Tape Dispenser!
John, I’ve added that section now. If you click on Forums you’ll see one called ‘Boats & Equipment for Sale’.

I can’t structure the menu as you suggested because the menu would be scrambled on mobile devices.

And I hope someone buys my Tape Dispenser!
Okay...too bad but this will be nice. Thx Mark...