• Welcome to this website/forum for people interested in the Morgan 38 Sailboat. Many of our members are 'owners' of Morgan 38s, but you don't need to be an owner to Register/Join.

How to Make a New Post


Mark Pearson
Staff member
It's very easy to post on this web site.

First, you need to be a 'member'. Join if you haven't ready - it's free and easy.

Next, decide if your post is "Morgan 38-related" or if it's more "Social". Morgan 38-related posts go in the Main Morgan 38 forum. Social posts go in The Pub forum.

Go into the appropriate forum where you want to post. From the top (upper) menu, click on 'Forums', then click on the appropriate forum. You will then be "in" the forum, and you just need to click on the 'Post New Thread' button in the upper right portion of the screen.

In the areas provided, give your thread a short explanatory Title and post your message in the area below. Other Threads within this "How to Use This Site" forum explain how to attach photos/videos.

The basic hierarchy is Forum-> Thread -> Post

After you make a new Thread, other users (or you) can make additional Posts on that thread.