• Welcome to this website/forum for people interested in the Morgan 38 Sailboat. Many of our members are 'owners' of Morgan 38s, but you don't need to be an owner to Register/Join.

How to Create a New Photo (Media) Album


Mark Pearson
Staff member
You can easily create your own photo/media album on this site. You can store your photos there and then refer to them in your posts if you'd like.

To make a new album:
  1. Click on the "Media" tab on upper left just below "Morgan 38 Sailboats" banner.
  2. Once on "Media" page click on blue, "Add Media" button on upper far right. This will bring up the Add Media Page.
  3. Click on small circle to left of "An Ablum" in central panel of screen.
  4. Open "Choose Album" pull down menu by clicking on triangle icon at right side of "Choose Album" box.
  5. Click on blue highlighted, "Create an album..." in the pull down menu. This will cause a pop up window to appear.
  6. Follow directions / fill in information in pop up window. Then click "Create Album" button at bottom of box.
Once created the album will appear in the "Choose Album" pull down menu(s).