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Compass Rebuild...

Mitchell S Allen

Active Member
I have what I believe is the original Danforth Constellation at Sonata's helm. It needs to be refurbished, a new lense, etc. The lense is cracked most of the circumference. I'm sure there will be other parts needed too.
The only parts source I've found is Viking Compass online. I've tried emailing and calling, and left messages. So far no response in 2 weeks.
Does anyone know of other parts sources? I can do the repair work. Just need parts.

I have dealt with Viking Compass for parts for my Danforth Constellation in the past. Always came away satisfied. I wonder if they are out of business or maybe on vacation?? I just checked their website which is still appears viable.

Thanks Jim, the website does make it seem like their still around. A friend of mine has dealt with them in the past too. I'll keep trying.
Thank you.